Well, almost to Denny's...
I was ambitious again this morning pre-therapy, and hungry, so I suggested to Wayne we walk to Denny's, which is a little over a mile away. He gave me the raised eyebrow, but suited up. We set out, and made it to the corner that leads to Wal-Mart (ever the popular joint in this town), Times, Starbucks, and Denny's. I then began to realize that my shoulders were tired! Given that I was more than doubling my farthest jaunt to date, I should have expected that. So, we turned around and headed back to the house. Propelling 170+ pounds around on crutches should start building those upper body muscles, so I think I'll be keeping up the habit and walking further each day.
We did make it to Denny's though, had our egg-beaters and toast, even with the challenge of attempting to sit down at one of the tables. I went to my normal side to sit, and realized that that wasn't quite going to work, so I wound up on the other side with my back to the door. Yuck! Add to the mix my sore shoulders, it was a comedy of errors to watch. First came the crutch placement -- leaning against the leg prop chair. Then I sat down in the chair, only to realize I was going to have difficulty raising my leg under the table. I tried to stand up, but the shoulders were sufficiently sore to leave me still seated. I went to use the table to prop me, and it tilted! So much for that idea. Finally, I just scootched back in my chair and lifted my leg up onto the neighboring chair. Then came getting in closer to the table. Argh. Next time, Starbucks. I can sit on their couch easily, and the chairs are taller! Thank goodness we didn't ask for a booth.
Side note -- Hawaiians will never get any thinner if we keep getting places like Denny's that give you three (!) jumbo eggs for each meal. I'm thinking keiki menu from now on for me!!
Next outing is likely to Roy's in Ko'olina -- sitting outside by the golf course, watching for the black swans, and enjoying heavy pupus for dinner.
Next on the agenda for the day is taking a dose of pain medication, waiting a half an hour, and then doing home pt exercises. Wayne picked up a pedal exerciser for me so that I can do stuff similar to that which is done at the pt clinic -- I start out cycling for 8 minutes out of the brace so I can warm the knee up. Not full rotations as of yet, but I'll get there sooner rather than later. I want to keep ahead of SGT Price and be prepared for the next sessions!
And, no, I haven't finished that paper yet...
Denny's sounds great about now!