Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Time for Tuesday

Well, here it is, 3:39 on Tuesday afternoon.  I did indeed do what I said I would yesterday - went home and did the easy workout for a half an hour.  And it did make me feel more uplifted!  This morning, I wound up sleeping a little later than planned, but did get in my 5th workout of the 9 week challenge.  It may be a tad bit difficult over the next 2 weekends, but I'll keep on going on, because the endorphins that flow at the end of the workout do make me feel much better.

I wound up screening our 3 video feeds from Friday night's ho'oponopono session, and put together a trailer for the group to giggle at.  We laughed and laughed that night, but when it came down to brass tacks, we got to work and did well.  Now I will need to spend some quality time editing the three feeds in order to get good visual/voice of all the ladies.  One thing the video shows me, though, is that I need to seriously get down to weight loss.  Things are looser now, but I'm still wearing my really fat clothes, as opposed to my curvy clothes.  My jeans are my measure of effectiveness!

I'm coming up on my second to last drill weekend this weekend, and we are going to the range.  Woo hoo!  I just finished writing up my legion of merit recommendation, and will be finishing up my OER support form in the next 12 hours.  A retirement OER, who'd have thought I'd make it this far or this long?  I don't think I'm in the least bit torn over this, in fact, I'm quite ready to be done.  There was a point when I wanted more, but that point has gone what with being in the MSW program.

Tired from not sleeping well, and a little sore from the workout, but all is good.  I'll hit pilates and zumba in the morning, and then head to PACFLT.  On the plus side, both my boss, and his replacement, are aware of my timetable, and it looks like they will bring in someone to overlap and replace me as I start my last active duty stints and then head on to the internship.  I am STOKED!  I will only be pulling 50% pay, though, so I know I will be feeling anxious.  Thankfully, I've got the support of my spousal unit, so as long as I keep my spending down, I should make it through ok.  The active duty dollars will not be too hard to turn down, that's for sure, and Booz Allen usually re-coups the difference roughly 2 1/2 to 3 months down the road.  Gives me a buffer.

Time to get ready to pick up Thai food to bring to class, it is my turn.

If you get a chance, check out the link at the top of the blog.  You'll get a smile out of it.


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